Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter Weather

We finally got a lot of snow 2 weeks ago,it was so so beautiful!!The only thing I hate was we didn't have electricity 2 or 3 days and then we got it back on...Yipee!!I love winter only because I love taking pics of the snow outside!!Oh and my mom take the snow pics.I know my mom is good at taking lovely pics! :)Come on Snow,Come Again.

This photo is from when it was starting to snow.


  1. Hi Semeeah! Yes, snow is really beautiful. I got a chance to enjoy it when I visited Japan last year's new year. It was really fun but I was 2 months pregnant back then so I didn't play much in the snow. I'll email you in a bit.

    1. Thank you for replying back to me Aileen!Yeah I know,if your pregnant then you can't do all the fun things like playing in the snow and sledding down in the snow.Oh by the way when you said I'll email you in a bit and when I checked my email and you didn't email me at my yahoo yet.
